Wednesday, June 27, 2007

midnight trains and tent cities

Howdy folks, if you are interested, here is our plan for the next three weeks:

We travel to Berlin on Saturday, 6/30, via a train that boards a ferry. This sounds impossible to me.

7/1 - 7/3: BERLIN!

7/4: Travel to Dresden

7/5 - 7/6: DRESDEN!

7/7: Travel to Prague

7/8 - 7/11: PRAGUE!

7/12: Travel to Plzen

7/13 - 7/14: PLZEN!

7/15: Travel to Munich where we will be staying in The Tent hostel - good hippie fun (with their own website...)

7/16 - 7/17: MUNICH!

7/18: Travel by night train to Cologne - ooooh, sleeper cars

7/19 - 7/21: COLOGNE!

7/22: Travel to Amsterdam where we will be staying at the Lucky Lake Hostel - good cabin-on-a-lake fun super close to the city!

7/23 - 7/25: AMSTERDAM!

Goodbye Christiania

Goodbye Danish friends

Goodbye Delicious Thai Restaurant

We live here!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Burning the Bush!

hello friends, gentle readers, aloof scanners,

Last Saturday was super fun! It was the celebration called Mid-Summer's Eve. Not quite on the solstice, but as close as you can get and still have it on a weekend. The deal is the sun doesn't set this eve, or it does, but it doesn't really get dark at all. You can see a little ray of sun on the horizon throughout the night and it feels like dusk or dawn for most of the night hours. Everyone in Denmark lights bonfires, stays up all night long, and burns effigies. Usually these effigies are of witches to represent (gasp) evil being burned away. Didn't Denmark get the memo that witch burning isn't pc anymore?

The kollegium that Nichole and I stay at had a party for the whole building that night with a free bar for all (9 stories + 14 rooms per floor = a whole lot of drunk kids). My floor also had a group dinner that night. Kristine offered to make us all dinner. This was absolutely fabulous because she is going to school to be a chef. She made yummy salmon, potatoes, and 7 different kinds of delish salads. mmmmm... jicama salad...

During a phone call with the bf the night before, I got the idea that we should make our own effigy - of Mr. President Bush, of course! The kids on my floor loved the idea. They got really into it and found newspaper pictures of Tony Blair and Anders Fogh Rasmussen (Denmark's Minister of State) which they placed in not so pious positions around Bush's (ahem) pelvis. Here are some pictures.

Please come visit us if, by chance, we get ousted like Yusuf Islam for such treasonous actions as the ones depicted above. We will probably be hiding out somewhere in the Dominican Republic.


Monday, June 25, 2007

On a brighter note:

I really really really want to live here:

How great are those geometrically shaped houses? I would like the one with the patio for the roof, thanks. I think it is the one that is half cut off from the picture. Racho, you can have the star shaped one. Can anyone make this happen in MN? I will love you forever!

The Americans are Going Down

This is my pouring one out for my homies, or whatev.
Here is a short list of the many ailments/tragedies recently suffered by the 17 US nursing students:
1. mysterious lump in armpit.
2. mysterious lump in armpit gets gutted by Danish docs, now armpit has an abscess.
3. mysterious lump in armpit returns, but bigger, more red, and more painful.
4. +3 pitting edema in both legs from the calf down. (see example below)

5. an abscess on a girl's stomach. how???
6. a recent ex-boyfriend died yesterday.
7. a supposed bug bite turns into a full body rash. ew.
8. my bug bites have not exploded, thank jebus.
9. tunneling abscesses underneath a girl's breasts. ew. ew. ew.
10. tunneling abscess girl also has some sort of eczema all over her skin that needs constant lotioning.
11. tunneling abscess girl also has a husband with crohn's disease. they are trying to have kids.
12. a childhood friend died last week.
13. two of the girls were mugged and assaulted saturday night. fuck.
14. a UTI infection resulting in blood for urine and terrible, terrible pain.

I feel kind of bad that my weekend was so kick ass. sheesh. maybe I won't feel guilty later and then I'll blog about that.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The week of long lasting souvenirs

Hi friends,

it has been a while since I have last blogged. It is hard to get me to stay in a computer lab for any extended period of time. Today it is rainy and cold and I have to type up a couple of papers so clearly I should blog first.

Last weekend we had some extremely great and unusual weather for Denmark. It was sunny and in the 90's. No one has AC here so I think everyone and their sister came to the beach. Cho and I have a brand new beach that is a ten minute walk from our place on Ama. (They call it Ama, but if you are looking on a map it is Amager.) It is absolutely beautiful. There are a bunch of windmills sticking out of the water to the north of the beach and across the Oresund straight (connecting the Baltic Sea to the Atlantic Ocean via Kattegat, Skagerrak, and the North Sea) you can see the coast of Sweden.

The cool thing about beaching in Denmark is their casual attitude towards nudity. You can be topless if you want. Not everyone does it, but no one will care if you do. I saw a mom handing out snacks to a bunch of little 5 to 10 year olds. She was only wearing a pair of jean shorts. So Cho and I decided that one of our souvenirs would be to have tanned ta tas. Unfortunately, the nice sunny weather has not lasted and, at least as of right now, I am not sure if I will ever see the sun again while on this continent.

In other news about the beach, it is one of the places Cho and I run to. I like doing this best around 10pm because the sunsets are gorgeous. We also run through Christiania and around a couple of lakes close to our kollegium (aka kick ass dorm). PS - I have decided to join Cho and her mom in training for a 1/2 marathon that will take place somewhere in the Midwest, sometime in October. We had been running everyday until...(drum roll please) we got our tattoos! We took a couple of days off for our ankles to heal. Between that and the chilly downpours, our daily runs have sort of petered out.

Here are some awesome pics of our tattoo adventure:

Yawn and us at the bar post tattooing:

Mo's foot:

Cho's foot:

ooh, and as you can see, we also were able to get our sticky little fingers on a few cute nursing uniforms. (I know you cannot see me, but believe me I am pumping my fists of triumph in the air as you read this.)

Our tattoo artist was pretty cool. I forgot how to spell his name, but it is pronounced Yawn. Maybe it was Jan? Unfortunately, he developed an annoyingly persistent crush on me, but that can be for another blog. What is funny about him is that he is the apprentice to this other dude named Alex who apparently is the best portrait artist in all of Europe. (He has many awards and would not shut his abnormally large pie hole about it ALL night long.)

Well Alex had tattooed a ginormous picture of Ozzy Ozborne's face on the front of Yawn's thigh. And at last week's tattoo convention in Amsterdam, he did an equally large portrait of some character from some cult classic horror movie on the back of the same thigh. That won him first place. But Ozzy came to Copenhagen this week and signed Yawn's thigh right under his face and then Alex tattooed the signature on national television.

ooooh. whatev.

Here is a funny new poop joke that some other tattoo artist told me while we were all having drinks together later that night:
"What did the cowboy with poop on his beard say?
I've been looking for love in all the wrong places..."
ah ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Interestingly, the guy that told me this joke is also getting a portrait done from Alex. Only, he is getting a gigantic picture of him holding his newborn son that covers the entire length of his torso from pit to hip. The only thing is, he is going to be portrayed as the devil who is tattooing his newborn son's face. WTF? And he said our tattoo's were weird.

Anyhoo, I have one paper down and one to go. They are both due before we head off to Sweden tomorrow morning at the butt crack of dawn. Well, really it will only be at 7:45am. Actually, after spending a few nights on the town, I have come to the conclusion that it does not get dark until about midnight and then it starts getting light out again around 3am.

I feel like an insomniac here.

oh yeah, by the by, Cho's official new nickname is farty. Holy crap she is a gas machine! I need a fan constantly blowing her away from me. (ps she approves of this message) It may have something to do with all the boozing we did last night - we ended our eve by having the girls in the bar booth next to us join us for some drinks.

Then we found out they were only 16/17 years old. They thought our tacky outfits (worn for a friend's themed b-day party earlier that eve) were very fashionable.


the end.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Un Mas Cosa!

Por Julia!

This was mid-felting so it was not quite shrunken enough yet, but now it is pretty damn perfect...

yay I've got my pictures!

Hey friends,

We just got back from our Western Denmark Tour. It was a lot of fun. But first:

I don't feel quite right in a turban. What I feel like is GLORIA FUCKING SWANSON! What am I, 70, David? Am I 70? Why don't you just put me in a walker? Buy a goddamn walker and put me in it!

I'm 42 yrs old, I don't want to be dressed like a dead woman

Also, here is me and my beautiful bike! YAY!

OK, I am super tired and we have laundry and homework to do.

But wait, this was too funny. It is Cho's journal of a tipsy night...

Is that readable? I do not know.
There is much to tell, but it will have to be another day.

love you all!

Friday, June 01, 2007


Photobucket Album

Anderson! Anderson! Anderson!

Hello my friends and gentle readership. I cannot post any stupid pictures since I do not have the right technology. Julia, that means you will have to wait to see the kick ass eye patch I made for Cho.

That also means that the hilarious silver turban I found at H&M, put on, and took pictures of will not be making an appearance here along with witty quotes from our very favorite Soap Dish. damn that woulda been good! PS, Cate, we MUST watch that many, many times upon my return.

I finally got my bike! OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN is it pretty! It is one of those super duper cute ones that stimulate correct posture and it has a black metal basket on the front and a black rack on the back and a cream colored frame. I am on top of the world!

Things I have noticed here:
1. they love spiral stair cases! In the brewery, in the old folks home, in double decker buses, EVERYWHERE!!!
2. Men of all stripes like wearing hanky scarves. I saw a little boy today with a skull one around his neck. He was probably 6 or 7. I wanted to steal him. I have also seen them on hipsters, gay men, and punk rockers.
3. Aside from the stupid Radison hotel, my kolligium (aka sweet ass dorm) is the tallest building in all of Copenhagen. That means that even though I am on an island outside of the Copenhagen city, I can see all the cool steeples and spires and such. And since I am facing west, I get some kick ass sunsets.
4. Danes will eat less if things are not hygge, and more if things are hygge. This is pronounced hoogly. It means close, friendly, intimate, comfy. For example, a hygge dinner is one that lasts 5 hours long, is eaten between family and close friends, and is in a warm and darkened atmosphere. The only thing is they like to do this every damn day. How do they get anything else done?!?
5. "I feel the same way about disco that I do of herpes," Hunter S. Thompson. I see this quote EVERYWHERE around the city. I do not understand.

Tomorrow we are going to a pub to watch the Swedes versus the Danes in futbol and then we are going to "Distortion" which is an outdoor, free music festival to raise awareness about homelessness. As a part of distortion, large artistic po-mo pieces of garbage have been erected all around the city. For example, in the town square, there is a gigantic banana peel standing straight up (probably 15 feet tall), a huge-normous (proportionate to the banana peel) pizza box with the lid bent up, and a crushed pop can. weird. I like it.

On Sunday we go on our Western Denmark tour. We will see a nursing museum, a sclerosis place, and some other stuff I forgot...

OK, I must bike NOW!!!

love you all!