Sunday, March 16, 2008

16 hours and too much poop makes mo something something...


Has come.





Oh sweet jebus. I will grow old and die (childless god damn you) before this shift ever ends.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Elvis Presley has left the building... of proteins behind...

Now, I am pretty sure all those that read this blog know of my love for Elvis. You may not know of my new found love for (comedic musicians/music comedians?) Hard 'N Phirm. They are my kind of men. In the fantastic video below, they touch on so many things that I cherish. And in the style of Jesse Thorn, a keep it up Hard 'N Phirm list:
  1. animated and personified body parts. I have been known to imagine what each cell in my body would look like if it were an autonomous being. (When imagining this, each cell is usually grinning and bouncing spastically.) And yup, they look just like the red blood cells in this video. AMAZING! Who knew Hard 'N Phirm could read my mind! Keep it up animated and personified body parts.
  2. Bacon. Bacon that stares angrily with bubble eyes. Bacon, are you mad because you helped to kill Elvis? Do not fret, I will still eat you. Keep it up angry bacon.
  3. The word aspirate. I love that word! Keep it up aspiration.
  4. Gross stuff. When the amino acids "break it down" - the bubbly sounds, the visual of decomposing fruit and, for some strange reason, pigs? I love it. Keep it up decomposing gross stuff!
  5. I also think it is funny that they show the King's red blood cells hooking up with oxygen from the renal arteries. That is not where that happens! Keep it up inaccurate animated physiology and anatomy.
  6. PUNS! Need I say more? Keep it up humorous puns. (especially those of the P & A variety - see post title)

It isn't viva in Las Vegas anymore.