Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Burning the Bush!

hello friends, gentle readers, aloof scanners,

Last Saturday was super fun! It was the celebration called Mid-Summer's Eve. Not quite on the solstice, but as close as you can get and still have it on a weekend. The deal is the sun doesn't set this eve, or it does, but it doesn't really get dark at all. You can see a little ray of sun on the horizon throughout the night and it feels like dusk or dawn for most of the night hours. Everyone in Denmark lights bonfires, stays up all night long, and burns effigies. Usually these effigies are of witches to represent (gasp) evil being burned away. Didn't Denmark get the memo that witch burning isn't pc anymore?

The kollegium that Nichole and I stay at had a party for the whole building that night with a free bar for all (9 stories + 14 rooms per floor = a whole lot of drunk kids). My floor also had a group dinner that night. Kristine offered to make us all dinner. This was absolutely fabulous because she is going to school to be a chef. She made yummy salmon, potatoes, and 7 different kinds of delish salads. mmmmm... jicama salad...

During a phone call with the bf the night before, I got the idea that we should make our own effigy - of Mr. President Bush, of course! The kids on my floor loved the idea. They got really into it and found newspaper pictures of Tony Blair and Anders Fogh Rasmussen (Denmark's Minister of State) which they placed in not so pious positions around Bush's (ahem) pelvis. Here are some pictures.

Please come visit us if, by chance, we get ousted like Yusuf Islam for such treasonous actions as the ones depicted above. We will probably be hiding out somewhere in the Dominican Republic.



Blogger cate said...

woah. not sure if i ever mentioned that i ALSO burned an effigy of Bush on new year's eve 2002. That's the tradition in Ecuador too. Ours was lifesize though. Not sure if any pictures were taken though.

6:54 PM  
Blogger JasonC said...

they're not letting you back into the country.

5:15 PM  

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