Saturday, May 26, 2007

macy gray = queen of soul?

indgang= entrance
udgang= exit.

vin = wine as always.

so tonight we got drunk with a greek, a philian, and am australian. And then we got some more wine nd tehm some more!" woot woot!!!

here is cho - ok nevermidn, cho has lost her phone. he is going mad. we went to a stupid Karnival today that was suååpsed to be all brazillian an d african but it wa sa bunch of white girls doing african dacnes (all blondes) and hten some danich verison of samba = super weirdo!

OK, typing a little bi ts drunk ishard so LAURENA- do swans come from Denmark? Do Mallards come from the midwest?

These are teh questions that I have.

I love you all and must now go to sleep.

much love, momo


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

shopping shlopping

Am I not the fashion whore I once thought?

We saw an H&M, and you know, it was the same old same old crap just on a much larger scale. Actually, we got lost in the store. There were not really different levels but it was more like a split level home with 7 different half floors. Anyhoo, I was not awed as I thought I would be.


not only do
Also, this computer is super weird. All the buttons
are different. Such as there is no @, you have to do a
series of alt plus other crap. Also, everything is
rearranged so

Cho and computer glitch in Copenhagen made the whole system
fail and we had to do everything by paper. While in
line be
Well it turns out her and of other us! Well after all the lines Cho and a few drinks before the flight. The whole
Delaney-Brunicks crew decided to sit right next to us.
As table, Delaney wished us a safe trip.
radius from our hostel is either a strip club, dildo
store, gay sex shop, or tattoo parlor. how to pick em, huh?

We walked around a ton today. We are dead tired. We
had fabulous thai food for dinner at a reasonable
price. And weøre trying as hard as we can not to go to
bed at 7<15pm.

much love!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Fart noises are funny.

I dreamt last night that I was blatantly picking my nose in public. Everyone was staring at me. They gave me looks that said, "how rude," and "you are disgusting," and "shame!" Then I farted really loud which made even the people who didn't notice my nose picking look up in shock. I woke up to the sound of myself laughing in my sleep.

That was around 4am. I've been up ever since. It is funny the things you do to keep occupied at 4am. I found myself watching hours of saved by the bell. 15 years or so gives a lot of extra perspective. I also found another slip of paper from a girl trip up to the cabin. Here is what it said:

Down to Jackson

See if I care

How do you know so much about kegs? Half Barrel Pony keg.

I'm just writing notes man.

Cate said "inventioned"

Rachel was Billy Corgan

But who was Cate? Green Bay.

Racho Pacho went to the zoo
Racho Pacho contracted the flu
She puked and she uked
Til the food was reduked
Then she played with the seals in blue

Lauren E Winter
Asks if she can just say that
She really loves us

Doobie Bros
Jeff Buckley
Rufus Rainwright

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Remnants of a CFT* Past...

Rachel feels the burning.
Her skin is extremely white.
Please use sunscreen.

Melissa is burned.
On her cute little ass cheek.
Red, and angry butt.

Katie G. Nelson.
The Murky waters have claimed
Your top. Boobs are free!

There once was a hot nurse named Mo.
The most popular girl on the flo'
And when she walks past
Patients look at her ass
And wish they didn't have cancer no mo'

*Cabin Fun Time
**yes, yes, we were probably drunk.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Ja, dank u moet ik pissen.

I know I should be studying, but I can't help checking out Copenhagen stuff. Here are a few places I'm going to drag Nichole to as soon as we get there:
  • Christiania: (aka Fristaden, Freetown) A small, independent, socialist community inside of Copenhagen. It was established in 1971 in abandoned military barracks as a protest against the Danish government. Their mission statement: "The objective of Christiania is to create a self-governing society whereby each and every individual holds themselves responsible over the wellbeing of the entire community. Our society is to be economically self-sustaining and, as such, our aspiration is to be steadfast in our conviction that psychological and physical destitution can be averted." Could you imagine this happening in New York City, or Los Angeles? They'd be run down by riot police in a matter of a day. Cool things about Christiania: Cars are not allowed. Yoga and meditation are super popular. Cop cars are kept out by large rocks blocking all road entrances. They forbid stealing, guns, bulletproof vests, and hard drugs. Cameras are also not allowed on their main street, Pusher St. To enter, you have to walk through "The Arc of Peace." It would be cool if we could hostel there.
  • Museum Erotica: The first serious erotic museum in the world. It was established 25 yrs after porn was released in Denmark in 1969. It self proclaims to "illustrate some of the sex life of Homo Sapiens" in chronological order from ancient times to present. Apparently the final display is of a small room with a couch opposite a large wall of small TVs each playing a different porno video. Ha ha.
  • H&M: I know, I know, I'm a fashion whore. But they originate in Sweden and apparently are way different than our shops.
  • Botanisk Have: 62 acres of amazing gardens that include palm, orchid, and cacti houses. oooh.
  • Tivoli Gardens: In the middle of the city, this place apparently has 110,000 lamps. Why is that interesting? I do not know. But they also have gardens, roller coasters, theater, and fireworks. ooooooh.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Today I feel like this:

Does this mean I'm officially an adult?

  • I saw Leonardo DiCaprio on TV the other day and quietly recognized the forgotten death of my junior high crush.PS. I am really grossed out by seeing him now, still somehow looking like a teenager, yet with pubey facial hair. ew.
  • Now a scrawny, pastey, brilliantly funny 40- (gulp, 50?) something year old causes my ovaries to quiver. Yes, yes, I'm speaking of Jon Stuart.

  • Moving in with my ma for the summer no longer feels like an exciting time to mooch food and cable. Instead, it makes me feel like this guy:

  • While studying for finals at the campus library, I noticed that all the other students look a good ten years younger than me. oh wait, they are! AH!

    But hopefully, in a few 40 years or so, my boyfriend will look like this:

Monday, May 07, 2007

I believe in celery. It protects against rectal cancer.

You know how when people talk about colorectal doctors and they say, "Wow, wonder what made them choose that profession!"
Well, I used to say that. But then I started thinking. About butts. And poop. And how many really great stories I have regarding these two topics. And lets face it, I'm definitely an ass girl. Not that I want to go into colorectal nursing or anything, but I wouldn't mind it.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

and now for something completely different.

My life trivialized, boiled down if you will, into lego form.

Me now:

And, if I survive the next few weeks, me in Copenhagen:

You might notice that while I have lost all my hair and picked up a trendy, Euro (but deadly, kids, very deadly) smoking habit, I am still sucking down the caffeine - but in the sexiest of sexy (state issued) nursing uniforms. Ba-blam baby!

(How 'bout those old style cobblestone streets, y'all? Those crazy europeans. What will they think of next?)


she looks like she's up to something. full of something. weirdo.

my demise

first came the lists. so many lists were made. finding them now, half scratched out, remembering things I had forgotten to do that didn't matter anymore. most of the lists had at least 5 or 6 repeating items on them. big things that just kept getting pushed over to the next week, the next month. how old am I again? is it worth it?

then came the stress. I no longer needed to write the lists down anymore. a constant scroll rolled past my brain below my eyes like terrible stock market updates. what was I forgetting now? which figment was trading up? which needed more research, more time, more effort? they don't even exist except for in our imaginations. they weigh so much on my soul. they pervade my dreams. they are in my blind spots. they're waiting.

Trivial thoughts. I am but one woman. only so many hours in a day. everything will be OK. it will all work out in the end. stop over-analyzing things.

and now there are headaches. I can't escape them while awake, popped way too many generic pain killers to count. then the itching. everywhere. little bumps. red irritated skin. oh and don't forget the nausea. skin crawling. teeth grinding. am I loosing my mind?

"breathe," she told me. "from your diaphragm." thank you. I'm breathing. I'm focusing. until now i didn't realize the panic was all about a lack. not enough air. you are on the other side of the planet. you are existing on a different day, a different time. you told me exactly what I needed to hear.