Tuesday, January 23, 2007

not all that sweet nothings

OK, so I really have nothing interesting to say except that I am sick of looking at my own face. Even if I can't run away from it.

Something has to drastically change. It might be my hair. It might be a back tat. Only time will tell.

I wish I had bigger and better ovaries. Ones that enabled me to be a winter biker. Or maybe just better winter gear. The whole bus thing is getting really boring. Plus I like my egg crate basket.

It is still unclear when I will stop procrastinating, actually crack open a text book, and face the reality of this semester. But that is definitely not going to be today.

everyone's truly,

Complainy McCrabberson.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Blast From the Past

Might I take a moment to share some golden truths from the past (aka - new year's eve, 2006).

"Fuck. I can't run away from my own face."

"Less salad tossing. More hand washing."

"He wears Versache and denies the Holocaust. He is a douche." (on the current Pope)

"A latter day village people: the chotch, the vegan, the jew."

OK so I have nothing for the last one. Ladies, we're gonna need to work on this.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007




Last night it happened! One of em did it! Yay Yay Yay! They CAN learn!!!

"Potty Training In Action," or "Attack of the Scratchy Foot Cat!"

Well folks, after a long hard night at the hospital, Racho and I sat down to the incessant cries of cats not knowing where to go. Lets face it, the potty training is a lot harder than we had planned. They have the whole pee-in-the-toilet thing down, but somehow have not made the connection with poop. Oh, it's been grosstastic. Instead of pooping where they should, they have held it for unbearable lengths of time, cried a lot, pooped in the living room, and pooped on the bathroom floor. Rach and I don't even want to think about our messy rooms...

BUT we have faith that they will get it!!! It's only been a week. Give them time, right? For now though, I present for your exhibit A of their learning process:

OK, on a side note, jeez la weez (jeez louise?) kismet is a scratch-a-holic! WTF kismet? Scratching the toilet seat, the shower curtain, what have you, is not going to make the pee get buried any quicker! The litter kismet, the litter! I never said she was a smart cat.